The GROOVE Party

Ages 18+
Get Tickets
The Groove Party
NZ$ 33 (incl. fees)

It's ON!!!

The GROOVE Party!!!

It's gonna be a great night!!!

It's happening again!!!! And with extra coolness and awesomeness to vibe with :)

The GROOVE Party debut last September was A BLAST!!!! And this one is going to be even BETTER!!!

Grab your mates, bring your darling, come alone - it don't matter!!!

Music will be vibing with IROAM Entertainment, jamming our favourite old skool jams - can't go wrong there!

And don't forget, what sets The GROOVE Party apart from the rest,'ll have some of Gizzy's most amazing singers, singing some of your favourite tunes.

It aint no karaoke gig either. This is The GROOVE Party. If you don't know what that means, get your ticket and come experience it for yourself x

Tickets are limited so booking online guarantees your place in the party.

Get your baby sitters sorted!!!

Get ready to have the time of your life!!!

Book now!!!

It's gonna be a great night!!!



  1. Fabio G